Monday, November 30, 2009

The Mating Ritual.

After years and years of failed, unsuccessful so called relationships...
dealing with sucky non-gentle guys... lame flirtings... corny dates...
it got me thinking...

Why can't relationship be as easy as a snap of a finger?

Why can't it be as easy as coming up to that person and say:
"I'm interested in you... we're good together... do u want to try US out and see whether it works out or not?"

But NO!

We have to go through all of those steps...

From putting all of those efforts on diets, gyms, dressing up, make-ups, shopping to look good.
The 5-seconds eye contact rule.
Pulling up the courage to come up to someone.
The flirting.
Giving hints here and there.
The hassle of getting someone's phone number (BB Pin/Facebook, etc).
The butterflies and rainbows.
Months of getting to know each other.
Months of not being yourself...

Until the dreaded day came...
the rejections.
crying for days.
pathetically staring at your phone, checking every 3-minutes interval to see whether he/she calls/text or not.
months of lonely nights.
weight gain over dozens of chocolates to mend the broken heart.
thousands of phone calls to ur girl-friends seeking for emotional pep-talks that seem to not make anything better.
mending your wound by other demeaning "means" that you can think of.
thoughts of suicide, plastic surgery, murder, and other unthinkable things a broken soul's could imagine.

Until we're back to the beginning... back to Square 1...
where we finally managed a way to be accustom to that pain, that dissapointment, that self-loathing...
which we eventually ignore,
bounce back,
and become the happy-chappy that we are.

Until another new interesting stranger perturbed into our "new beginning"
give us all of these false hopes... promising promises... artificial happiness...
and we're foolish enough to believe them and made our hearts susceptible to destruction again.
and thus...
the cycle repeats itself.

And yet, after all of those bitter endings...

the thrill of the chase...
the thrill of being chased, playing hard to get...
the art of flirting...

Secretly we like the torture, the hassle...
we look for that pain...
we long for that emotional turmoil...

In the end... we're all lovefools.
We demand that intense interaction... that electric chemistry... that thrill.

Let me explain in a biologist point of view...
in order for evolutionary process to continue, the following requirements need to be meet:

genetic relatedness (r) x benefit (b) > cost (c)

The genetic relatedness would make sense, since when you love someone and you marry that person, u'll most probably ended up passing on your genes through your children. (at least, that's the generalized kindergarten-rated idea)

As for the benefit has to be BIGGER than the cost would probably explain why we love to go through the pain and the heartbreaks over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again...
it's because the "benefits" of having that someone, might actually be bigger and better than the pain.

Come to think of it... after ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of the crap that we've been through...
that 'someone' better step up to the plate and it better be great, or I demand my money back, thank you very much.